Monday, April 13, 2009

The Hoatzin (Opisthocomus hoazin), is a stylish looking tropical bird with the appearance of a plump but richly colored pheasant। This brown and buff colored pheasant shaped bird is of South American and Amazonian origins. The Hoatzin preferred natural habitat contains river, marsh, swampland and water on the surface to support predatory life. The high fringed crest of the Hoatzin identifies the bird to wildlife lovers.
The complex coloration of the wings, underparts, crest, and other feathers of the Hoatzin make a delicate and beautiful effect. A small head takes second fiddle to blended feather layers of contrasting rich colors in the wing and breast areas. Chestnut brown and a sort of metallic dark green-brown allows observers to appreciate the natural heritage of Hoatzin plumage.

The Hoatzin seems to contain in one bird many harvest type colors. Fine layers of cream or brown feathered inner wing and layered feather wing parts make an attractive and rare bird sighting an event for ornithographers. Tan accents and the alert eye of the Hoatzin make it a trophy sighting, and two claws on each wing also differentiate the Hoatzin from other tropical birds.

Hoatzins prefer arboreal cover and exist in minor canopy levels like branches and riverine scrub. The wings seem like accessories for the clumsy Hoatzin perch behavior, lack of serious over flight activity, and vegetative prey instead of insectivorous motivation for tree perching. The Hoatzin even has a stabilizing bump in its rump to balance on perch stops.
The Hoatzin bird has a miniature peacock type shape of the puff bird dimension with a sort of finchlike animism. The unique characteristics of the Hoatzin have made it the subject of many studies to determine DNA and interspecies relationships dating back to Eocene and Oligocine periods. Scientists ask if Hoatzins are gamebirds, doves, or cuckoos in basal origin.
The Hoatzin is also called the “stinkbird,” since its odor is unattractive to others. The Hoatzin has a unique bacterial digestive system that aids in processing the surprising amount of vegetative material the bird consumes. The digestive matter from that food group the Hoatzin consumes creates the foul odor. For all this unpleasantness, the Hoatzin is a social bird whose chicks are fed regurgitated material. Chicks can escape predators even at the nesting stage by using claws to maneuver and manipulate surroundings.


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